CRDG Director Kathleen Berg is in her second term as the Hawai‘i State Commissioner for the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3), the national governing body of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. The compact was designed…
USPACOM Longitudinal Study of Military Child Education in Hawai‘i
With up to 8 percent of students enrolled in Hawai‘i’s public schools coming from military families, many of them coming to Hawai‘i for a period as short as three years or less, the specific educational needs and opportunities of these…
New Book from CRDG
One of the first Nisei recruited into the US Army in World War II, Arthur Komori worked undercover in pre-war Manila for the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) as the United States prepared for war. When war came, he worked as…
MaPS Encourages Customers to “Buy UH”
With the theme of “Buy UH,” CRDG’s Marketing and Publications Services (MaPS) held an open house for old friends and new on March 23, 2012. Originally an in-house print shop for CRDG publications, MaPS has grown to be a full-service…
New Hawaiian Collection Established
A major new resource of the Curriculum Research & Development Group is the CRDG Hawaiian Library (CHL) (also known as the “Laiberry”), whose inventory consists of approximately 5,700 references largely focused on Hawaiian culture and history. The Hawaiian/Pacific collections in…