Learning Technology Moves Students into New Curriculum

The Learning Technology Section is working with eighth and ninth grade students in the University Laboratory School to develop a new curriculum in computer literacy.

The course goal is to question, embrace, and challenge what students already know about computers while developing a strong sense of computer ethics, etiquette, safety, and responsibility. At the completion of the new curriculum students should have developed a clear understanding of the importance of computer literacy in modern society and of the ethics involved in using this technology in an information-rich society. Students must also demonstrate proficiency in

  • identifying types of hardware components and their functions,
  • identifying the differences in system and application software,
  • using discussion boards and email, • understanding the importance of the Internet and the World Wide Web for information dissemination,
  • effectively researching a topic, and
  • effectively using word-processing tools, different formats of presentation, and Web authoring.

Data drawn from the Laboratory School students’ assessments of their current computer skills and perceptions together with the National Education Technology Standards for Students provided the basis of the new curriculum, which reflects the recognition of the importance of computer technology in the future of students in school, workplace, and home. By working closely with Laboratory School students and continuing to align their needs with Hawai‘i, national, and international standards and trends, the Learning Technology staff is shaping the evolving computer literacy curriculum into something that meets the students’ needs now and in the future.