Together with the Hawai‘i Sea Grant College Program and the College of Education’s Distance Course Design Consulting (DCDC) Group, CRDG is developing a new, modular, online marine science curriculum, Exploring Our Fluid Earth (EOFE) in conjunction with the modular professional…
Expanding Opportunities in the Pacific
One of the more promising uses of technology in education is to provide opportunities to teachers and students in remote locations. This is the goal of the Pacific Education and Research for Leadership in Science (PEARLS) project, a five-year partnership…
Combining Research and Professional Development
CRDG mathematics researchers Melfried Olson and Fay Zenigami continued to work with teachers at Kapālama Elementary School in Kapālama Algebra Readiness in the Elementary School (KARES), a project that combines research using the Lesson Study (LS) model with a school-wide…
Teaching Science as Inquiry Project Researching Professional Development
Under the direction of Kanesa Seraphin, Paul Brandon, and Truc Nguyen, CRDG’s science, learning technology, and evaluation teams are working together on a project funded by the US Department of Education to investigate how instruction in inquiry-based teaching enhances marine…
Support for Robotics Programs State-wide
The Makery project held three professional development courses this winter for teachers and support staff in the First Robotics program who wanted to incorporate hands-on design and building into their robotic competitions. Teachers learned to use Autodesk Inventor, a 3D…