Session 5 Planner: Producing “good” mathematical explanations

Facilitator Guide

Session Parts

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Module content overview: Scope of this session

The highlighted goals are focal in this session; others goals will be focal in other sessions.

Mathematics Student thinking
  • making and justifying/refuting conjectures and generalizations
  • recognizing and using multiple approaches to solve mathematics problems
  • understanding features of a “good” explanation and producing “good” explanations
  • identifying foundations of mathematical reasoning
  • using and knowing the mathematical practices identified in the CCSS
  • monitoring students’ mathematical reasoning
  • noticing collective elements of mathematical reasoning
Teaching practice Learning from practice
  • supporting students’ engagement in mathematical practices by teaching them explicitly
  • supporting students in explaining their mathematical reasoning
  • establishing and maintaining an environment that emphasizes reasoning
  • adapting tasks to nurture mathematical reasoning
  • using norms that support engagement in video workshop
  • understanding the video workshop process
  • learning to analyze teaching and learning in the context of video workshop

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